Where Life and Happiness Connect
Our Common Bond
If you have ever wondered if it was possible to have a massive group of people worldwide who all share a common bond, this is about us. We are an international group who previously worked for a very special company who happens to be #1 with all-inclusive resorts around the world, Club Med. To have had the privilege to have worked in a village/resort, you had to be one that first had a sense of adventure, high work standards, an eye for detail, ownership, and responsibility for others safety but most important you had to have a special team spirit that could adapt for people of all nationalities. If you are thinking of, or if you are currently working in a village, remain on this path as it will be the best University of Life education you may receive. It is without a doubt a stepping into the hospitality industry once you have completed at least one year working at any Club Med village. This site is dedicated to those who have completed their journey as a Gentil Organisateur, otherwise known as a G.O., and who are currently looking in their life to reconnect to fellow G.O. friends either through an event or a fun scheduled trip. Also on this website is The Marketplace which features past G.O. business ventures from around the world that also help us all stay connected.
We were, we are, we will always be the people who made a difference in many lives of those who were searching for adventure, fun, fine dining all within a beautiful setting.
This is about us.