Where Life and Happiness Connect
Our Common Bond
If you have ever wondered if it was possible to have a massive group of people worldwide who all share a common bond, this is about us. We are an international group who previously worked for a very special company who happens to be #1 with all-inclusive resorts around the world, Club Med. To have had the privilege to have worked in a village/resort, you had to be one that first had a sense of adventure, high work standards, an eye for detail, ownership, and responsibility for others safety but most important you had to have a special team spirit that could adapt for people of all nationalities. If you are thinking of, or if you are currently working in a village, remain on this path as it will be the best University of Life education you may receive. It is without a doubt a stepping into the hospitality industry once you have completed at least one year working at any Club Med village. This site is dedicated to those who have completed their journey as a Gentil Organisateur, otherwise known as a G.O., and who are currently looking in their life to reconnect to fellow G.O. friends either through an event or a fun scheduled trip. Also on this website is The Marketplace which features past G.O. business ventures from around the world that also help us all stay connected.
We were, we are, we will always be the people who made a difference in many lives of those who were searching for adventure, fun, fine dining all within a beautiful setting.
This is about us.
Our Top Priorities
To assist, help or inspire another individual to achieve a new chapter in life, this is our top priority. Join us by volunteering or by sharing a photo or by submitting a job proposition or even attend an invitation to an event…..let’s join together past and present to create a magical website that can make the difference for one individual in need. That individual is our top priority.

We Have the Power
You, I or we, have the power to make a difference in the life of one who could benefit from our services or a generous donation. One call can transform the direction, for an individual, into a positive and assistive experience simply by providing a helping hand. With the power of combining our past G.O.s, along with G.M.s whom were inspirational in creating the magic within a village, we all can become one massive ball of positive energy to bring one to another new chapter in life. One small difference can make that happen. We have the power to make the impact on the future and this website permits us to do something about it.
Whats Happening Now
What’s happening now? YOU are happening now! By entering into the Forever G.O. Pour Toujours website you are either curious, looking into a new position, searching for an event to attend, wanting to share or see photos from your fellow G.O. family or generously wanting to make a donation or volunteer your time towards services for our past G.O. family.
May 29th 2022 is the launch date for a long awaited program which we are proud to present to all. We highly encourage current G.O.s to continue on their Club Med journey as it is the best Academy of Life one can have. Club Med gifted many of us with friends for life, beautiful and scenic village sites, the training for multiple departments but most of all working for Club Med gave everyone a special bond for life. Whether you are working in a village or in an office, it is a beautiful magical work experience.
YOU can make a difference by either volunteering for one of our services or by sharing your input or by a generous donation. We are also very happy for you to be on the journey with the growth of this program just by looking through the website to see if there is anything you feel you could benefit from.
Welcome and enjoy as it’s happening now!
Why You Should Register
In order to gain access to our site and it’s content, you must first register, please allow for up to 48 hours for approval, and it’s Free. Thank You for your patience.